On Friday morning at 5:50 a.m. our overnight train arrived to Novgorod from Moscow. Many of us had not gotten much sleep the night before because of the excitement of the train ride. The rhythm of the train did manage to lull some of us to sleep. Our minds were preoccupied with thoughts of our new Russian friends, Eugene, Egor and Elly leaving us the night before. Even though in the morning we were tired, it was a experience we won’t forgot. Not many people can say that they traveled six hundred miles across Russia on an iron horse with seventy five new friends. When we got to the Barista Palace in Novgorod we checked in, met our new roommates, and went downstairs for breakfast. After our delicious breakfast we explored the grounds of the Barista. We boarded our buses and headed out to discover what the historic city of Novgorod had in store for us. We quickly realized why this quaint modern day city is referred to as “Novgorod the great.” We toured the Kremlin, visited Saint Sophia Cathedral, several churches and many other beautiful sites. We had the privilege of going to the Museum of Wooden Architecture. It was a row of authentic wooden structures which gave us a glimpse of how people in this region lived long ago. They say a true traveler takes a part of each place they visit with them and leaves a part behind…I know now I will definitely take a part of Novgorod with me…and only hope that tomorrow I’ll be able to leave a part of me behind…
Written by Brianna Lanpert
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