After our final lunch, we returned to the hotel in order to reflect on the past two weeks in the closing ceremonies. Closing ceremonies allowed the delegates to share their reflections written the day before. The thoughts shared by all allowed the delegation as a whole to understand why everyone attended the trip and what each will take out of their experience. All had an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings and how they have each been affected by the experience.
For dinner, we headed out to the Czech countryside for a folklore dinner and dancing show. At frequent points during the dinner dancers came out to perform, performing different types of dances in traditional costume. In the end, most delegates chose to spend our final meal bonding with fellow delegates and trying to enjoy our last hours together.
The last day in Prague gave each of us a chance to reflect individually our experiences in Poland and the Czech Republic. Each person brought something different to the delegation and made the trip unique. Every single person in this delegation has affected me personally, whether they are aware of it or not. Without everyone attending this trip, the experience for me would not have been the same. More than anything else, the interactions with my fellow delegates and others that I have met during my travels have allowed me to fully understand not only the cultures of Poland and the Czech Republic but the cultures of everyone that I have met during these two weeks. Whether it was during a sweltering 7 hour train ride or meeting with Polish youth, the experiences have allowed me to understand more about people and human nature, while also teaching me more about myself as a person. The ability to go to Auschwitz allowed me to experience something that was so much bigger than me. Experiencing a small portion of the trials and tribulations that the people who suffered during the Holocaust went through, taught me a new perspective on the things that are currently going on in my life. I would like to thank everyone in this fantastic delegation and all the people we have met along the way for truly helping to change my life.
By Carolyn Hill
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